A minimalist black and white portfolio website
Black & White Minimalist Portfolio Welcome to my minimalist portfolio! This portfolio showcases my projects and skills in a sleek black and white design, focusing on simplicity and elegance. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this portfolio is not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly.
Features Clean Design: The black and white color scheme creates a minimalist aesthetic, allowing the projects and content to stand out. Responsive Layout: The portfolio is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes. Project Showcase: Display your projects with images, descriptions, and links to GitHub repositories or live demos. About Me Section: Introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your skills, experience, and interests. Contact Form: Include a contact form for visitors to reach out to you easily.
Technologies Used HTML: Structure the content of the portfolio. CSS: Style the layout and design elements for a polished look. JavaScript: Enhance interactivity and functionality, such as form validation and dynamic content.
How to Use Clone the repository to your local machine. Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the portfolio. Customize the content, projects, and styling to personalize the portfolio for your own use. Deploy the portfolio to a hosting service like GitHub Pages to share it with others. Preview
Credits This portfolio template was designed and created by princedeep.